Well, a good two full months into the year, and I look back on all the plans I had for this blog in 2011, and I look back at all the things I'm proud of:
1. F. Paul Wilson interview: a four-part transcript of an in-person interview with FPW at the World Horror Convention in April 2011. Classy guy and willing to talk openly about his work and his process.
2. Jeff Strand interview: Met him while with FPW at the convention. Led to an interview a few months later. Another class act. Extremely witty as well.
3. Phase One of my Inspiration to Publication series: Inspiration. Did a number of interview with talented authors at Untreed Reads. Great stuff. Very proud of these interviews.
4. Phase Two of my Inspiration to Publication series: Writing Process. Did another great round of interviews with other authors regarding the writing process itself. Very insightful. Also extremely proud of these interviews.
Then, it all fell apart. No real Phase Three (Editing) or Phase Four (Publication and Marketing) in my series. I literally fell of the face of the planet for a while. There was some purpose behind this, as I was consumed with writing my first full-length book, Learning to Give in a Getting World, co-authored with Marc Farnell, Senior Pastor of CrossRidge Church in Little Elm, TX (which also happens to be the church I attend). It is a great book that has sold extremely poorly (so far), but I shall never give up on it. It is overflowing with God's truth, and I believe it will bless and challenge all who read it.
But I digress...
Here we are on the first day of the third month of the year 2012. Guess what? Rather than focus on the failures of 2011 in keeping up with my plans for The Accidental Author blog, I'm just going to say "Well, that's the way it goes." And then, I'm going to move on.
Stay tuned, faithful follower(s)...there are great things to come this year.
But first, if you haven't already, go over to Amazon and pick up my latest short story Rumspringa, Untreed Reads' bestselling title at Amazon for the month of February. Not a bad way to start the year.
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